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ATN PS40-WPT Generation WPT, (white phosphor technology), Black (Resolution 60-74) Rifle Scope
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ATN PS40-WPT Generation WPT, (white phosphor technology), Black (Resolution 60-74) Rifle Scope
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Our Price: $4,199.00

Product Code: ATN-NVDNPS40WP

Description Technical Specs
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Representing the latest advancement in Night Vision Optics, the ATN PS40 gives your daytime scope Night Vision capability in a matter of seconds. The ATN PS40 mounts in front of a daytime scope to enable nighttime operation. No shift of impact, no need to rezero nor change of eye relief occurs. The ATN PS40 uses the latest in image intensifier tube technology for outstanding resolution and performance. Precision optical alignment is essential for a front sight system to work properly. This is why each ATN PS40 is individually tested and aligned on an optical scale by ATN's engineers to provide perfect alignment. The ATN PS40 is one of the most compact and lightweight Night Vision systems in its class. White Phosphor Technology (WPT) is a new technology that displays the sight picture in black and white instead of green and the resulting resolution enhancement is noticeable. The sight picture is brighter and sharper with better contrast and depth perception than higher generations of green phosphor sights.

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